Payment transactions and DSGVO
Payment processing in online commerce is a major technical and legal challenge for e-commerce operators. Uncertainty still exists among consumers because, despite all the over-bureaucratized efforts to create transparency about data collection, data dissemination, and data exchange, it is almost impossible for an ever-hurried online user to gauge which newsletter, which eBook or which “free registration” processes which data from him.
To prevent this uncertainty, relying on reputable and market-experienced Zahlungsabwicklung who are well versed in the legal jungle and the technical facets is crucial.
The solutions are ready – you just have to use them
Despite the initial uncertainty about the compatibility of DSGVO and PSD2 (Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie) as the most important data protection directives, nowadays, a binding framework for payment processing operations has emerged that has also gained international relevance. Transparency is of particular importance here because it has been shown that customers are quite willing to transmit their data and, for example, to see it processed in connection with personalized advertising – provided they know about it. Clarification, clear information, and the visibility of well-known and independent Vertrauenssiegeln seals contribute to the end consumer feeling secure when shopping.
Ease of online shopping
After all, the justified interest in protecting one’s data is always accompanied by counter-interests on the other side, for example, in uncomplicated and convenient data exchange between trustworthy service providers and, of course, in cost reduction. For example, the PSD2 directive provided a legal framework to facilitate payment transactions via third-party providers. Everyone can feel the benefits of this: In recent years, e-commerce as a customer has become easier than ever before; variousZahlungsmethoden is cited as an exampled. This also offers considerable advantages for the providers because payment security exists just the other way around. Here, too, going through external providers proves its worth: they regularly monitor what options are available to map the data exchange in a legally secure way that is intuitive and catchy on the consumer’s side.
External payment processing pays off
Payment processing can continue to overwhelm both small and large providers: Despite the clear legal conditions and increasingly negotiated conventions, the path via proven and trusted external providers is almost always unavoidable, especially if a lot of international trade occurs. Professionalized service providers have a sound legal, technical, and organizational overview, know market conditions and current rulings, and always keep IT structures up-to-date. Another advantage is that the implementation of such systems is usually simple and can be organized with little effort. In case of complications, service teams who know all common and less common hurdles are immediately available and have appropriate patent solutions ready.
Compay GmbH, a modern payment service provider
The range of services offered by Compay GmbH the Rhineland is comprehensive and tailored to the diverse requirements of the online and e-commerce sector. The technical infrastructure (located in Germany) for payment transactions, invoice processing, and Error! The link reference is invalid. And other processes comply with the highest security aspects, according to Compay.
Popular payment options (such as SEPA Lastschrift, credit cards, or mobile payment), Abo Commerce and Subscription Management, and receivables management show the entire spectrum of Compay GmbH.